63, Çankaya, Turkki

Love is a feeling

You can not see it
You can not touch it
You can only feel it
in your heart

Love is feeling. It is intangible. It is often difficult or impossible to describe. Each person has their own definition of love and that definition varies depending if you are talking about romantic love or love of a friend or family member. Poets, writers and songs have tried to describe and explain love throughout the ages, but still it remains so indiscernible. Yet when you feel love it fills your heart to overflowing with the most exquisite emotion known to mankind. Everyone needs love and that includes self love. Self love is often the love we struggle with the most. While it may be so easy to reach out in love toward others, we struggle to give that same gift to ourselves. Even though you can't see it or touch it, please know that you are loved ...❤️

103 näyttökertaa
beciaa123 01.06.2016

"Każdy dzień jest jak rozsypane korale. Pozbierać je trzeba, aby naszyjnik życia zalśnił pełnym blaskiem. Zbierajmy więc ....te koraliki..i żyjmy jak los pozwala. Życzliwe słowa przyjaciół .. http://reduction-image.com/mpeg-creation2/temp/fpnkt0vos5lesli859n4ii1g12/indexweb.htm http://reduction-image.com/mpeg-creation2/temp/712p2s38frtdobnak6jvm0ekr3/indexweb.htm

zynka 02.06.2016

beautiful :-) *ROSE*



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