37, Eura, Suomi

  • When will people understand that words can cut as sharply as any blade,
    and that those cuts leave scars upon our souls
  • One should forgive one's enemies, but not before they are hanged.
  • I'm not going to change who I am for other people.
  • I'd rather chew on broken glass than keep on living...
  • I'm so sick of my heart leading me places where there can be no a happy

  • I live a life of misery and hate, I dream of being loved and safe
  • A smack round the face and a slit on my wrists... everyday ends like
  • Depression... a fancy word to say that ur dying inside
  • When ur depressed ur not just hurting yourself, your hurting the people
    around u.
  • Depression, is only the cry of a hurting soul, but no one wants to show it

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