Olny for you
37, Pärnu, Eesti

Day by day-You`re my destiny
Rainy nights with midnight jealousy
Night by night-Saw her smile so bittersweet
On the strings of great emotions in that street
Old memories fade away-In yesterday
Candles in the rain-Day after day
Try a little tenderness-I got a date in paradise
Try a little caress-Saw love in your eyes

Olny for you-I sing this endless symphony
Olny for you-I sing this unchained melody
Olny for you-I`ll give my lonely heart
And I`ll never break apart

Olny for you-I would die
Olny for you-I would lie
Olny for you-I would cry
Olny for you-I would try

Tear by tear-Sorry is hardest word to say
Yet I can`t wipe your tears away
Where`s the answer if love is a shining star
Move a mountain,you`re so far
We`ll be like lovers on the run
It sounds like my heart beats like a drum
Try a little tenderness-Love is such a sacrifice
Try a little caress-I saw an angel in your eyes

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