jade sandalwood flooring
31, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Sawn timber processing factory most production capacity is only 2900 cubic meters, only 25% sawmills have band sawing machine, annual production capacity of 10 timber tech composite decking prices thousand cubic meters. For nearly 10 years, sawn timber and wood-based panel production volume fluctuations, and paper and paperboard production scale is enlarging year by year.

From the 2010 Peru forest products import and export trade volume, Peru is a net exporter of industrial roundwood and sawn timber, is a net importer of wood-based panels, paper and paperboard. Peru natural forest area in Latin America, second only to Brazil, ranked second, ranked ninth in the world.Price Comparison Composite Decking Brands According to the survey, Peru natural forest area of about 68 million hectares, of which 38 million hectares can be used for timber production, but only 9 million 700 thousand hectares of forest were exploited, this part of the forest was handed over to the private sector management, product processing, maintenance, carry out afforestation ecological tourism and forest protection by the.

Ongoing price war,composite timber wood wall cladding india interior has made the production enterprises and decimated dealer. The current Guangdong international timber market fish bead jade sandalwood flooring 807× 130× 12mm price is 68 yuan / square meters.

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