
40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

Life is wonderful! We may not believe that statement is true, after all we sometimes go through tough times! In our times, it is more financial, relationship and hatred challenge. We may not find the right job to support ourselves and family, therefore, become financially independent —or have a hard time keeping the right person in our lives or we may face hatred from others because of who we are.

All these are genuine challenges we must face. More often we can win over bad financial, relationship and hateful people. It requires strength - mind strength. If we acknowledge we can…

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

The words: “fun” and “enjoy” are among the most used words in the English language.

We say we’re having “fun” when we are definitely not at work —with friends, eating or drinking and telling joke, dancing and so on!

The “enjoy” is more about command. Close ones tell us: ‘do not worry about it [whatever that is], enjoy yourself.

I’m not sure we understand the truest meaning of these two words. We’re (majority of us) obsessed with fun and enjoyment. After all— we think life comes around these two words. Consider one human activity which becomes…

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

Surely, most of the Estonian women are beautiful. They are blonde. They are intelligent. They are quiet at the beginning. They are athletic. They are hardworking. And they are direct in their conversation.

I’ve been to Estonia twice. First, it was September in 2012 and I enjoyed the quietness of Prita, Tallinn, the food —specially the fish and the bread, and salad. I travelled to Tartu to see a girl I met on here —Rate! I loved the landscape between Tallinn and Tartu. It was gorgeous! At one point, I imagined to buy a farm and raise a family there.

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

I am writing my book on Estonia. In it, I talk about the history, culture, women, and business in Estonia. The first time I visited Estonia was 2012 and fell in love with it! It is peaceful in the sense there is no much traffic and people like England. People were quiet and patient. Women were beautiful and athletic. Most women had blonde hair. I could not come across an Estonian person shouting in the streets except Estonian-Russian.

For me, these captures my imagination and I knew I am going to write down my experience in order to share with…

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

The Estonian language isn't easy, but if you really want to learn it then you can. You need two things for the language: 1) Passion and 2) work ethic.

The first question answers why you want to learn a language that spoken in a small country in a Baltic region namely, Estonia. First, you must be a language lover. Second, Estonian language is a beautiful when we consider its sounds. Third, Estonia is a small and peaceful country where the landscape is gorgeous. In 2012, I travelled between Tallinn and Tartu and I fell in love with its beauty and…

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

I first came to Tallinn in summer of 2012. I was on my own and I did not know anyone apart from a female I met on here.

She was not my female friend. We just talked on here and there was no string.

I did not come to study because I already completed my studies at that time.

And I did not come for work.

I was interested in the Estonian culture and females.

When I took the coach to Tartu, I forgot about the females. So, since then, I've been focusing on Estonian nature.

By looking back, I remember…

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija


Socially closed
Honest - sometimes!

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40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

We the people love celebrity. We all have sport personality, television personalities, politicians, advertisers, actors and talkshow hosts we admire. We imitate their lifestyle and wish we’d become like them.

In reality, they are social puppets. If we really knew their lifestyle well, not the screen acting lifestyle, we’d feel sorry for them.

Think for yourself. Live your life.

40, Swindon, Velika Britanija

WE all know that Estonia, along with Latvia and Lithuania, is commemorating 100 years of independence - 1918 2018.

We must ask - what does it mean for the people who work 12 hours a day and get little salary? Why do they celebrate?

This celebration is for the rulers. Not for the people of Estonia.

This Independence Day we must ask the leaders to raise the salary and take care of the elderly people. Improve the lives of the citizens.

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