Ewerlyn 4 03. April 1988 (36), Võru, Estonia Was online a day ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshiprelationship
  • Interested in girls aged from 27 to 39
  • I speak estonian.
  • I have no kids.
  • 190 cm
  • I smoke.
  • My religion is orthodox.
  • 01.02.2018
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  • Response rate: good
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Ära ava uksi...mida sa pole valmis läbima. AEG avab need sulle ise....!!

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Võru: 132th position
05.12.2018 17:30
His quizzes
  • What does love mean to you? The test will show what importance you attach to love
    • You are firmly convinced that love and passion are inseparable. It is on the mutual attraction of not only souls, but also bodies, that strong relationships are built. If people in a couple fit each other on a physiological level, this is already a good sign, because without intimacy at the proper level, the relationship will probably soon fail. You are one of those people for whom love is bright emotions and constant drive. You are convinced that love does not require unnecessary conversations and in those moments when you manage to be together, you need to spend it as romantic as possible, forgetting about everything around you...
  • Are crazy in love person The test will show how quickly you fall in love
    • You fall in love quite easily, but at the same time do not lose your head in a fit of feelings. For you not only a person’s appearance is important, but also a person’s character, as well as his habits and outlook on life. In other words, in a relationship with your other half, there must certainly be kinship of souls and common interests, otherwise, alas, your couple will not last long. Having spotted the same one in the crowd of passers-by, you will initially look closely at him/her for a long time, and only after making sure that this is a suitable option, you will open your soul and heart...
  • What is your rhythm of life? Find out at what pace you live
    • You cannot be called an inveterate workaholic, but you are still busy with something. Your biggest advantage is that you know how to manage your time correctly and it is this skill that allows you to accomplish quite a lot in the shortest possible time. You are slowly but surely moving towards your goals and, having achieved the desired result, you simply remain satisfied with yourself. One can only envy your endurance in many situations. Perhaps all that remains is to wish you to move forward at the same pace and, of course, success will accompany you beyond any doubt!
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